March 10, 2011

because it is Thursday and.....

my oldest has been sick for 3 days......
I have had lots of opportunity to show love to my family this week.....
I feel loved......

I thought I would share things I love with you.

I love......
spending time with my family, immediate and extended
soaking in Violet's toothless grin
listening to her talk to me in coos and gurgles
holding Rowyn's hand
talking with Rowyn about all different things
listening to Rowyn laugh
listening to Rowyn talk with Ben about little things and deep things
reading with Rowyn
hearing Rowyn say words I think she shouldn't know (most recent: "I don't want to wear this crappy dress.")
hearing Rowyn or Ben say they love me
a clean, organized environment
hanging out with my hubbie, watching movies, reading, snuggling, being ourselves, being vulnerable
holding hands with Ben while sitting on the sofa, walking down the street, driving the car......whenever
drinking tea and eating biscotti
soaking in precious moments with loved ones
travelling (I yearn to visit Paris again. *sigh*)
eating Italian food
Marble Slab ice cream
talking with a good friend
the smell of fresh cut grass
enjoying a hot chocolate someone else has made (like at Second Cup.....yes, please)
warm socks (Smart Wools)
being understood
being loved
being the princess daughter of the king of the universe.

What do you love?

Until next time,

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