December 31, 2011

Reflecting on Vi's first year...

Disclaimer: this post has been done for a while, but just needed pictures added. Here they are, and here is the post. An explanation will follow shortly. 

Wow! I can't believe little Vi has been with us for a year. It doesn't seem possible. If I think hard enough, I can still recreate the c-section pains I don't wish on anyone (well, not really, but it seems like just yesterday she was born). What a year it has been...

In some ways, life has been easier than I thought. Vi is laid back and can roll with whatever is happening. She took many a nap at The Little Gym while Ro danced and did gymnastics, at the park while Ro played, at church so Ro could experience consistent teachers and friends. Vi is equally happy reading books, singing songs, or running errands with her ever-busy mom. Vi hasn't been too concerned about moving about. She is currently in bum scooting mode, just starting to accept weight on her legs and feet. :) Vi could nurse anywhere and was content to just "be".

In other ways, this year has been hard. Ben has had one of his busiest years EVER (good for us financially, bad for our family) which means he hasn't been around much. Having another daughter to care for and meet her needs has been tiring, draining, and trying at times. It seems like we always have a million things to do. This often gets in the way of our social calendar and just hanging out. We've missed our peeps (the Eastons) - we could chill with those guys, here or there, share a meal, hand off kids, etc. Not having them around has added a layer of "mommy loneliness" to my life.

Vi has been incredible - her joy, smile, laughter, charm, coy grin, wave of her hand - win everyone over. She adores her big sister, and is adored in return. I love hugging her, snuggling her, having her head against my shoulder, her hand in mine. Her babbling and words that she rhymes off brighten my day. Her love warms my heart.

Two is busy, and there have been times I have found it difficult to enjoy my time with them. This makes me feel INCREDIBLY guilty. That being said, this year has been one of the greatest journeys I have endeavoured to undertake. I am honored to be Vi and Ro's mom, and Ben's wife. There is no where I would rather be.

Vi, we love you. You have completed our family.

Happy New Year,

1 comment:

Ali Raney said...

Love this Tammy. You guys make such cutie little girls. Vi is adorable and you are doing an awesome job as a mom. Your love for them just spills off the page! I'm sorry that it's been a hard year in other ways, and I hope that 2012 brings you lots of quality time with your hubs. Missed seeing you somehow at Christmas Eve, but I love keeping in touch with you here! :)