December 29, 2006

lessons ... again and again

I have a friend that refers to a "God 2x4". This is what God has to hit her with to get her attention and show her His better way. I laugh when she mentions it (with her, not at her) and appreciate her honesty and authenticity. When I actually take time to reflect (and slow down), I also need a "God 2x4". Perhaps we all do. Why is that? Why is it we are created in God's image, yet fight self-doubt and low self-esteem? Why is it that Jesus tells us He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, yet we continue to look for a "better way"? Why is it that God clearly shows us His purpose for our life, yet we wonder why we are here? I have found myself more often that not justifying these questions by saying, "We're human". Well, yes we are. I'm not about to debate our humanness. But that answer in itself is a cop out.

Why are we afraid to pull up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, and "leave teethmarks"? Why do we continually want more - yet sometimes we don't even know what we want? Because we stray from our best friend. We shut Him out, and fill our minds and hearts with other things - family, friends, deadlines, goals. These are not bad things in and of themselves. But when we start to focus on these things, and not on developing our relationship with God, we start to crumble around the edges. We feel unfulfilled, sad. Being a follower of Christ requires work. We need to fight to protect our time with Him. I want everything I am, everything I say, everything I do, to point to my Creator and His love. This means I need to be plugging into Him all the time, to get my batteries recharged, to get my compass realigned.

It is my prayer for all of you, my friends, that you continue to search out God - for the first time, for the billionth time. His love is radical, revolutionary, and He wants nothing more than for you to love Him with your whole being, and to love those around you.

Merry Christmas season and Happy New Year!

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