January 17, 2007


What do I do? What can I do? I shared in my last post that I was processing through different things. Funny, I thought this blog was going to be something different, and it turns out that this is my forum to voice my thoughts, seek accountability, and share things I am learning. I never saw it developing in this way.

I am processing, pocessing what God wants me to do, what I can do, to fight complacency, to make a difference, to, in the words of Ghandi, "live simply so others can simply live". I know there are steps I can take and need to take on my journey, in my processing. I know this is not going to be comfortable and will stretch me. Anything worth fighting for is hard work - I must be active, not passive. This won't just happen. Christ demands me to live counter-culturally, to not accept the way things are. What would life be like if I lived the way I am called to live each and every day - to love God with all my being and to love my neighbour as I love myself?? WOW!!

Here are some steps I am taking:
I will be real and held accountable at all times. Perhaps that is the reason for this blog?
I will live simply. This isn't just a catch phrase (though it is becoming one). God expects me to be a wise consumer in a culture of acquistion and excess. He requires me to have the faith to live like a God-filled life is more satisfying/fulfilling than a product-filled life. I need to question marketing and advertising (how are they making this product attractive?) and question why I want a product.
I will strive to be a life-long learner and share my findings.
Perhaps I never wear a diamond again - not until conflict diamonds are a thing of the past. I say perhaps because it was a gift from my husband and I need to engage him in this dialogue. This learning needs to spill over into all areas of my life: food (organic, safe farming practices), clothing (child labour, fair pay), vehicles (what's good for the environment), etc.
I am going to live like it matters - I can make a difference.
I will be thankful for what I have and look at things for what they are - a car is for getting me from a to b. It does not have to have all the current gadgets or be rust-free, or be "sexy".
I will be spiritually conscious when spending money.
I will live below (not at) my means so I can be radically generous. In North America, we spend $1.22 for every $1 earned.

It is my prayer that God makes me content with my daily bread and that I depend on Him each day. Amen.

There is a conference coming to TO this year called The Evolving Church: Restoring Justice. It sounds super interesting. Check out the website: www.epconference.net. One of the speakers is going to be Shane Claiborne (www.thesimpleway.org). There are several speakers and workshops to chose from. I think I may be there!

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