October 4, 2009

It's been far too long....

Singing her "ABCs"....

Wow. June until now. How many months is that anyway? 4 months. Does a lot happen in 4 months? Yes....and no. We're still a family of 3, busy doing life with those around us. I still have the AMAZING privilege of being home everyday with my precious girl. Ben is still employed more than full-time in the film industry (though working now on Resident Evil: Afterlife - 3D cameras and all - how cool!!??). I'm still 34 (as is Ben)...

BUT Ro is 22 months old, instead of 18 months old. Ro is wearing glasses. Ro is sleeping in a big girl bed. Ro doesn't wear diapers anymore, day or night. Ro talks about anything and everything, non-stop, and most people can understand everything she says.

See what big changes can happen in 4 months? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So great to hear that all is well with your family! Ro is as beautiful as ever! :)
