December 8, 2009

My Baby is 2!

I can't believe it. Another year has passed and our precious daughter is now 2. For those of you who don't really know our spunky child, let me introduce you to her.

The first picture sums up her joy - in little things and big things (like the ice cream cake being presented to her with a "2" candle lit upon it). Who wouldn't smile with glee at the cake? It is a Marble Slab cake after all.....

The second picture displays her innocence. She is opening a gift from her beautiful aunts, and is so excited and surprised at what she has found - a tea set. Keep in mind this was day 1 of 3 of presents and celebrations, and she was still figuring out what the whole gift thing was about. I loved that day. She is now a monster when it comes to presents. :)

The third picture reveals her serious side. Rowyn takes some things in life seriously - like meals......and meals (notice her little belly). However, you can sometimes catch a serious air about her or a serious expression. Voila! I am measuring her to celebrate her 24 months of life and found she is 36 inches tall. Height predictors tell us that she will be about 5 foot 7 inches tall (this is 68% accurate within 4 inches). I personally hope she will be taller than that. One positive thing is that I will be taller than her (at least until I start to shrink).

The last picture shows her beauty - inside and out. Ro exudes life, joy, and love to everyone she meets (unless they are trying to play with one of HER toys). Strangers comment on such things all the time. We are so proud of her and are so thankful for her. Bottom line: we love her and our love continues to grow each day. Happy birthday Ro!!

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