October 10, 2008


For those of you who have been tracking with us, praying that Rowyn wouldn't get chickenpox (since her mom had shinges), we have news......so far, so good! Tomorrow will be 21 days since I was diagnosed with shingles so we're pretty much in the clear. Yay for no chickenpox! Sorry to those of you who wanted your kids to hang out with Ro so they could get chickenpox to get it over with.

We're looking forward to Ben's 2 weeks off starting tomorrow. We don't have any big plans, but we're going to hang out as a family, go to the dentist, go for massages (yay for coverage), go to the chiropractor, and attend a wedding (as a date night - how fun is that??!!). Those are our plans so far.

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends far and near! It's a shame we need a statutory holiday to remind us to be thankful. Thankfulness is something we hope to instill in Rowyn and we have started to do so. We say "thank you" and at night, as we pray together as a family, we express our thanks to God. Here's hoping you find some time for those you love, and that you continually express your thankfulness for everything you have.

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