November 4, 2008

What Will You Do?

I'm the type of person who continually needs things put in front of her face. God has programmed me this way. I hear of something, and then it gets filed away. Not forgotten, just filed. I received a wake-up call this past week. It got me praying, crying, and talking with Ben. Here it is:

"My day started out with a very interesting phone converstaion with Marcellin and Esther, the MCC (Mennonite Central Committee, see country reps in Zimbabwe...A snapshot: there are only about 10 million people left in Zimbabwe (down from 12-13 million) and by November over 5 million (that is HALF) will need food aid. People are uprooting trees to eat roots. There are vitually no seeds in the country for planting...people in the rural areas have eaten them. They say by the new year there might be images beginning to come our way that are like the Ethiopian famine. A single, simple ballpoint pen now costs $50 US. Schools are shut down--not enough teachers left. The UN likens Zimbabwe's situation to be like a "country at war" without the bombing and shooting."

What is God asking Ben and I to do? What luxuries can we give up so we can give more resources away? Here are the steps we have started to take: eating out once per month, trying to spend $15 per day on food (Ben eats at work Monday to Friday), cancelling our cable and downgrading from high speed internet to high speed lite (yes, there is a difference), walking everywhere we can (which we are already striving to do - the weather this week certainly helps!!), and to really reduce our spending on the extras that we are always tempted by - you know, the luxuries of North American life. It is our desire to make a change, to help our brothers and sisters in Africa and locally, to set an example for Ro as she grows so that compassion and simple living are a way of life.

What is God asking you to do?


Julianne said...

Tammy, Ben & Ro... Thank you for being one of the few families I know that are actually taking practical steps to help our friends in Africa. I'm sure there are more, but I'm often discouraged. Today I've been encouraged by you! I received the same email last week and other like it from friends. I feel more than ever I need to give things up to help my friends there!

Vaneesa said...

Hey Ben, Tammy and Ro... great to check out your blog and awesome to read about your practical steps to make a difference in Africa. We feel like we are constantly trying to answer that question "what more can we do?" and it seems like there is always something more. I find the pull into the "luxuries" around us is so strong and it takes constant awareness, and like you said a few 'wake up calls' to remind us of the importance of living simply. Thanks for being so open and honest. We find it gets harder as the kids get older and are wanting this and that. We work hard at trying to be good examples and teach them that there are so many people with basic needs around the world that we chose not to buy 'extras' so we can help them. Of course all we can do is hope and pray that all of our efforts to teach them has an impact. Blessings to you guys! We miss seeing you at church!
Vaneesa (for the Bollers)