April 3, 2009

Long Overdue....

Come on - we all LOVE yogurt, right?

Doesn't this mess make you crave some yummy yogurt right now?

The joy in yogurt (literally)

Well, for those of you who gave up on us, we're back!! I went back to work full-time in January on a short-term contract (6 weeks turned into 13 weeks), but now I'm back at home with Ro, enjoying our time together. She is absolutely amazing and such a blessing to both Ben and I. 

Ro wakes up excited for each new day, ready and raring to go. She enjoys eating - most anything. Of course, there are days when she's saying, "all done" before she's really had something, but I don't always feel like all foods everyday either. I have included some pics of her enjoying her yogurt. Do I need to add that she feeds herself her yogurt now? 

Right now her first thoughts tend towards the park and the "some" (swing) and "side" (slide). She really loves being outside doing her thing. Ro also loves hanging out with people, yelling, "hi", and will repeat herself over and over until strangers say hello back. Most people are quick to shower with her attention and she seems puzzled by those who don't have the time for her.

Ro continues to sleep really well. She naps once/day, for a couple of hours, and goes to bed at 7:30 like a champ. She wakes around 7 every morning. 

Today she turns 16 months old. The last couple of months have brought an explosion in development - in physical strength and coordination, in language, in her sense of self and others. In fact, as I was putting her to bed tonight, she looked in the mirror and pointed to herself and said, "Ro-Ro". I had no idea what she was pointing to on her shirt, until I realized she was telling me that her name is Ro-Ro. I screamed with delight. By the smile on her face, that reaction sufficed.

We love our little girl and are so thankful for her spirit, the joy she brings others, and her love of life. It's our prayer that we God continues to give us wisdom as parents, that we continue to point Ro towards Him and His love, and that Ro grows up knowing that she is loved and that God is "especially fond" of her (for all my Shack friends). :)


mike, dawn, aidan and danica said...

its good to see and hear the latest. thanks for keeping those of us that don't get any face time up to speed with your angel's development.

bbqdaisy said...

LOVE the new pictures :)
I can relate to the JOY in yogurt, Kody finds pure joy in it as well!!
SO awesome to hear how God is blessing you and Ben!!!!!!
I too am a "Shack" fan!