March 2, 2010


I know, I know. I'm guilty once again. Yes, months have gone by and I haven't posted anything. Sometimes I feel like I don't have anything exciting enough to blog about. Other times, my brain is sooooo full, I don't know where to start. Then I start to question the whole blogging thing. I usually then go to bed. :)

It struck me this morning that I haven't blogged about one of Rowyn's favourite things - our trip to Mexico in January. It took us a couple of days to decide to go. It seems you can always talk yourself into something, and talk yourself out of something. We decided for our family that this was a good decision. In retrospect, we all agree. Enjoy our trip via the pics!

Kissing dad out on the balconey of our room.

Looking for shells on the beach. It was very rewarding! Since they were pumping in sand from the floor of the sea, we found lots of beauties - sand dollars, conch shells, and the list goes on.

"Please don't let the shark eat me!"

Beach "restoration" - more like reconstructive surgery!! It was very cool to watch as they made progress each day. The hurricane late last year washed away quite a bit of their beach, so the federal goverment decide to restore the beaches in Cancun. They were adding about 50 more metres of beach to each hotel/resort. What an undertaking! A pumper ship of sorts was stationed way out in the sea and it would pump sand and water through pipes to the beach, where there was hundreds of metres of pipe running along the beach. You can see all the heavy equipment they used to make the sand into a beach.

A shell Ro found.

Chillaxin' in the kids club pool. Ro spent hours here each day where the pool was about 87 degrees warm. Ahhh...

Ro had so many firsts that week - her first adventure waking up at 3:25 am to go to the airport, her first plane ride, her first swim in the Caribbean Sea, her first week somewhere other than Canada. She loved EVERY minute of our holiday. She talks daily about her plane ride (she was amazing!!!) and about the fun she had in the kids club pool. She loved sleeping in the bunk beds, and looking for shells on the beach.

As for Ben and I, we also had an excellent time. Our hotel room was great! We would sit on the balconey and read during Ro's naps while we ate the food we ordered from room service. I read The Book of Negroes - a MUST READ for all!!!! Ro had her own sleeping quarters - a must for us. We enjoyed family meals (Ro had pancakes EVERY single breakfast and has continued to do so since we have been back home) and family time 24/7. That was the purpose of our trip. We visited an aquarium, went for walks and bus rides, and thoroughly enjoyed each moment together.

There were a few downsides - the weather wasn't awesome (quite cool and rainy some days), but we made the best of it. The pools and hot tubs were quite cold, but the sea was lovely so our challenge was trying to find a way to get into the sea! Let me explain - our beach was under "restoration" when we arrived. It was supposed to be finished by the Tuesday, but we didn't get on the beach until Friday (and we left Saturday). We had to take a city bus down to the public beach to enjoy beach time. It worked out in the end - it just wasn't very convenient with a toddler. The food was okay (not great) and I got a sinus cold. However, having a cold in Cancun was a treat as I was able to relax and it left me in 24 hours. However, we missed out on the day trip we had booked to see some ruins. That would have been an interesting 5 hours on a bus with Ro....... ;)

All in all, our holiday was amazing. Ro asks to go back everyday. The challenge now is explaining that this was a real treat, not something that will happen on a regular basis - though we all wish travelling did!!

Enjoy the video of Ro jumping in the kids club pool all by herself. She loves the water!


Anonymous said...

FUN!! Ben and I went to Mexico this time last year and had a fantastic time! Glad it was a good time :)

Matt and Jen said...

Looks like you guys had a blast!! The pool here is 85F so we are all enjoying that very much:) Great pics. Thanks for sharing!