March 4, 2010

on being 2....

We have officially entered an interesting phase of being 2. Ro has been waking up at 5:30 for the last 2-3 weeks. It has been exhausting for her (she has been earning the title "Miss Grumpy Pants") and for her mom. To top it off, she has not napped for the last 3 days. Here is the back story - Ro hasn't napped the last 3 Tuesdays. She goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I think she has been wanting to spend every minute she can with me once she is home. Interesting. However, that doesn't explain why she HAS napped the last 3 Thursdays, and why she didn't nap yesterday (a Wednesday). Needless to say, she went to bed last night at 6 ("I want to go to bed") and woke up at 6:45 this morning. That's more like it! After no nap again today, I put her in bed at 6:45 (she wasn't super thrilled) and she was out by 7. Is Ro dropping her nap? Stay tuned to find out!

Ro turned 27 months old yesterday. We celebrated this milestone by measuring her on her "measuring board". This is a beautiful piece of wood Ben mounted on the wall outside her bedroom so we can take it with us if we ever move. She is 37 7/8 inches tall and weighs 32 pounds - no wonder I hurt my lower back last week putting her in her car seat (3 trips to the chiropractor) and upper back this week (only 1 trip to the chiropractor). Dr. Julie said to minimize lifting and carrying Ro and no more riding on my shoulders. I have felt like an old 35 year old mom these last 2 weeks. :(

I wanted to include a pic of one of our favourite people with Ro. Auntie Christa is an outstanding woman in so many ways and we are so fortunate to be able to call her friend, sister, aunt, and she is also my power of attorney. We love you, Christa!!

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