March 11, 2010

early spring fever!

Snack at the Drumm's! Ella, Nolan, Shaner, Ro, and Adie. "Look at the camera, everyone! Thanks, Nolan!" :)

Visiting Daddy down at the lake. Ro is searching for the perfect missile to launch.

Here goes said missile.

Not a super flattering pic of either of my sweeties, but proof we were there.

Ro loves chocolate swiss ice cream with Smarties (she calls them m&ms).


Well, what are warm weather and sunshine in March without a trip to Marble Slab, throwing stones in Lake Ontario, and playing with friends? We have had a wonderful week and a half of gorgeous weather and have tried to take advantage of each moment. Last weekend, we celebrated Ben's Papa's 90th birthday - wow!! We had so much fun with cousins, aunts, and uncles, and celebrating a really wonderful man. On Sunday, we went to Marble Slab (Ro's first time having sugar since the beginning of January) and down to the lake - this is a favourite outing for the Smith clan. Who can beat homemade ice cream, and the lure of water? It was great to be able to enjoy both things as a family.

We visited Ben on set on Monday and Tuesday - more stones into Lake Ontario, and more soaking in the rays (in a safe way, of course). :) On Wednesday, we spent the day in Caledonia with Elesha, Ella, Adie, and baby Easton, and had a great play after naps with Shanny, Nolan, and Shaner. How do you photograph 5 kids at once, especially when competing with Shanny's cookies and m&ms?

We spent the afternoon today with a very special aunt (Sandy) at her neighbourhood park and had our fill of fajitas for supper. Yummy! Tomorrow we are off to visit Nana, Papa, Megan, Zoey, Matt, Clarkie, and the birthday girl, Jen, who turned 30 on Tuesday. Happy birthday! Of course, we are celebrating with a Marble Slab ice cream cake. The perfect ending to a perfect week. :)

Hope you all were able to get out there and enjoy every minute! Spring is around the corner.

Oh yeah, for those who are wondering, Ro must be in the process of dropping her nap. She didn't nap last Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and then this Tuesday or Thursday. We'll see how this process continues......

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