April 7, 2010

easter weekend update

Easter weekend - to some it brings visions of yummy dinners, friends, family, the Easter bunny, and chocolate. To us, it means celebrating love.

The love our best friend has for us is perfect, complete, and often hard to imagine. It's hard to imagine because our friend isn't living in our neighbourhood with us or at our workplace. Jesus lived a long time ago, and showed His love for us in a way no one else ever has, nor ever will. While we didn't deserve it, He laid down His life for us. He took the consequences I deserve for all the hurtful decisions I make everyday. That's pretty amazing love. So we choose to celebrate our love for Jesus, for each other, and for our friends and family on Easter weekend every year. Good Friday is chronicled by the pictures below. Enjoy!

Auntie Christa and Auntie Sandy come every Good Friday to hang out for the afternoon and to have a family dinner with us. We did an egg hunt with them. :) The hunt started in Ro's playroom. You can tell by this face that she is right into this experience!

The trail of chocolate eggs led to our back door. From there, Ro was instructed to find the gold chocolate bunny in the backyard. With this finger point, you can see she had discovered it.

The chocolate bunny led to plastic eggs filled with Dad's favourite thing - Mini Eggs. :) Here I am showing her what's inside the plastic eggs. She was thrilled!

Showing Dad some of her findings.

Loving life - who doesn't love an egg hunt where every corner in your yard contains chocolate? Awesome!

Ro is eagerly awaiting Christa and Sandy's arrival from the dining room. She suspects they have gifts for her....

The face says it all. :)

Sandy showing Ro how her new stamp will work.

Ro posing with Christa showing us her new "tatoos". They were actually stickers, but we all had to wear one on our face to the park.

Flying like airplanes at the park.

Good Friday tradition - year 2.

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